Call or Text: 647-784-8643| Location: Pickering, Ontario

Helping Busy Mothers Over 40 with Sustainable Weight Loss

In-person fitness training in Pickering, Ontario

  • Lose weight and keep it off

  • Improve your self image

  • Fit into your clothes again

Weight Loss Struggles for Busy Moms

Are you too busy caring for everyone else and putting yourself last? Is work and family life leaving you with no time for yourself?

Are you unhappy with how your clothes fit?

Are you worried about failing with fitness and nutrition?

Are you confused or overwhelmed about where to start?

You're not alone. Discover practical solutions tailored for busy moms to help you regain control of your health and fitness journey.

Helping Mothers with Sustainable Weight Loss

We have helped hundreds of mothers with fitness and nutrition. We would love to help you too.

Have more energy to enjoy life and show up for your family

Feel confident again with the right self image

Lose weight in a healthy way and keep it off.

MomFit Journey Kickoff:

Follow These Simple Steps to Begin


Book A Call

This is the perfect opportunity for us to get to know each other and ensure you are the right fit for our program.


Meet In-Person

We'll discuss your fitness goals, current fitness level, and tell you more about our programs.


Begin Your Journey

It's time to start your journey! We'll guide you through each step of your training program, providing support, motivation, and expert advice to help you

About Coach LT and LT Fit

Hi I'm Coach LT. That's me in the picture.

I'm the owner of LT Fit and we provide one-on-one personal training and semiprivate training in Pickering.

You see, I specialize in helping mothers like you get maximum enjoyment, fulfillment, and satisfaction from your life.

I've been training mothers for over 20 years and in that time I've worked with over 100 mothers.

But since you don't quite know me yet, I want to prove my claims to you.

That's why I'm offering you a FREE Call. All you have to do is click the button below to schedule it.

Coach LT

LT Fit Location

Pickering, ON, Canada

What clients say about us

Frequently Asked Question

How much is your personal training?

Our personal training packages are tailored to meet your specific needs and fitness goals. Prices vary based on the type and frequency of sessions you choose. Please contact us for a detailed pricing plan and to discuss which package is best for you.

What if I am not fit and haven't worked with a personal trainer before?

No worries at all! Our personal training programs are designed for all fitness levels, including beginners. Our experienced trainers will work with you to develop a personalized plan that meets your current fitness level and helps you achieve your goals safely and effectively. We are here to support and guide you every step of the way.

How long are your sessions?

All of our fitness training sessions are 45 mins.

Can I train with a friend or in a group?

Yes, we offer semi-private and group training sessions. Training with a friend or in a group can be a fun and motivating way to reach your fitness goals.

Do you offer nutrition advice?

Yes, in addition to fitness training, we offer nutrition advice and a food guide to complement your workout program.

What qualifications do your trainers have?

Our trainers are certified professionals with extensive experience in fitness and wellness. They hold qualifications from accredited organizations and continuously update their skills through ongoing education.

What should I bring to my training sessions?

Please bring comfortable workout attire, a water bottle, and a towel.

Helping Mothers with sustainable weight loss. In-person fitness training in Pickering, Ontario

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Pickering, Ontario

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