Your Reinforcement For Carpet Cleaning in Vancouver
The Knights of Cleaning

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Losing the battle with dirt and stains? Don’t lower your swords. The CAVALRY is here!! Our knights will take the battle to that mischievous dirt army and win the war for you once and for all. We are the Legion of carpet cleaning in Vancouver. Are you ready to take the command?

✓ All-inclusive, no hidden fees
✓ Rated 4.9/5 stars on Google, Yelp & more
✓ Love your results or your money back, guaranteed

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carpet cleaning vancouver

Carpet Cleaning In Vancouver With The
Knights Of Cleaning

In the bustling city of Vancouver, British Columbia, maintaining clean and stain-free carpets can be quite a challenge. The constant flow of dirt, occasional spills, and the regular wear and tear can quickly turn your once-spotless carpets into an ongoing battleground against dirt and stains. But fret not, because we’re here to assist you in your carpet cleaning needs. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of carpet cleaning in Vancouver, exploring the techniques, services, and expertise that set us apart as your top choice for carpet cleaning in the region.

 Our mission is to provide you with the knowledge and information necessary to make an informed decision when selecting the best carpet cleaning service in Vancouver, BC. Join us in this quest for cleaner carpets, and together, we’ll overcome the persistent challenges of dirt and stains in your home.


Rated 5/5 stars on Google

Discover the reasons why numerous Canadians rely on Knight of Cleaning to maintain the cleanliness and fresh aroma of their homes.

Darren Hopp
Darren Hopp
January 9, 2022.
James was amazing - on short notice he came to my townhouse and cleaned all the carpets prior to me moving in. Thanks so much James, I highly recommend!
Gurpreet Singh
Gurpreet Singh
December 1, 2021.
Very Nice and humble staff. Very Good Service. Thanxx to Knights of Cleaning!.......
IQ Cleaning
IQ Cleaning
November 23, 2021.
Reliable and Excellent Carpet Cleaning Service! Highly Recommend!....
Behzad Sh
Behzad Sh
November 4, 2021.
They are doing Profesonal business ????
J Chung
J Chung
October 13, 2021.
Fastest response out of 4 contacted. Removed stains from carpet completely. Really happy with this service call!
John Burns
John Burns
October 5, 2021.
James was EXCELLENT! Good job and would use them again. Thank you
Lindsay Irwin
Lindsay Irwin
September 25, 2021.
James was very informative and knew his job well !! I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him , fair pricing was a bonus especially if you are on a fixed income
Danielle Colvin
Danielle Colvin
September 15, 2021.
Great job done by James and Samir. will use service again! Good Job
Kamla Chand
Kamla Chand
August 25, 2021.
James did a great job cleaning my carpet. He is reliable and excellent customer service! when you have a dog good carpet cleaner is priceless. My grey carpet loos so cleaned. I'm going to use Knight Carpet Cleaning company in near future. Thank you James!


With years of experience in the industry, we bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every carpet cleaning job we undertake. Our seasoned professionals have encountered a wide range of challenges and have honed their skills to deliver outstanding results. Here’s how our experience sets us apart:

carpet cleaning services vancouver

Proven Techniques

Our extensive experience has allowed us to develop and refine our carpet cleaning techniques. We know what works and what doesn’t, enabling us to provide efficient and effective cleaning services.

carpet cleaner vancouver


Over the years, we’ve encountered various carpet-related issues, from tough stains to delicate fabrics. Our experience equips us with the ability to tackle any cleaning challenge, ensuring your carpets receive the best care possible.

vancouver carpet cleaners

Quality Assurance

Our track record of successful carpet cleaning speaks for itself. When you choose Knights of Cleaning, you can have confidence in our ability to deliver a high-quality service that exceeds your expectations.

Your Trusted Carpet Cleaning Knights

In the heart of Vancouver, you’ll find the team at Knights of Cleaning, dedicated to upholding the highest standards of cleanliness and ensuring your carpets are free from stains. With over a decade of service in the Lower Mainland, from Vancouver to Chilliwack, we’ve earned our reputation as a trusted choice for Vancouver carpet cleaning. Our commitment is unwavering, and we treat your carpets with the same care and dedication as if they were our own.

Our team of experienced technicians, certified in their expertise, use state-of-the-art cleaning equipment to tackle the impurities that threaten your carpets. We prioritize the use of eco-friendly, pet and child-safe cleaning solutions to ensure the well-being of everyone in your home. Similar to how homeowners protect their floors, we take measures to safeguard your home by using corner guards, mats, and shoe covers, respecting the sanctity of your living space.

At Knights of Cleaning, our pledge is to ensure your satisfaction above all else, and we remain at your service until you are completely content with the results.

vancouver carpet cleaning

Our Carpet Cleaning Services In Vancouver

Our carpet cleaning services in Vancouver stand out as some of the best in the industry. We utilize both truck-mounted and portable steam cleaners, known for their top-of-the-line performance. Our thorough cleaning process begins with an enzyme pre-spray, which is highly effective in breaking down oils, stains, and heavy soils, essentially preparing the battlefield for the upcoming cleaning operation.

We then employ high-temperature steam, reaching temperatures between 240-250 degrees, to extract all accumulated dirt and moisture from your carpets. This process ensures that your carpets dry quickly, so you can enjoy your clean and refreshed living space without delay.

In our commitment to preserving the condition of your home, we take special care of your furniture. We move it when necessary and provide protective measures under the furniture’s feet to prevent any potential damage. To address even the most stubborn stains, we utilize carefully selected spot cleaners. Additionally, we enhance the overall experience by using deodorizers that leave your carpet looking and smelling fresh, much like the satisfaction of a successful home cleaning operation.

Why Choose Our Services?

When it comes to selecting a reliable and reputable carpet cleaning service in Vancouver, you can count on us at Knights of Cleaning for several good reasons. Here’s why our services stand out:

Carpet Cleaning Specialists in Vancouver

Environment-Friendly Cleaning Solutions

Our unwavering commitment to environmental responsibility defines our approach to carpet cleaning. We prioritize the well-being of your family and the environment. This dedication is reflected in our use of environmentally friendly cleaning solutions.

Effective Enzyme Pre-Spray

The foundation of our eco-friendly cleaning process lies in the use of an enzyme pre-spray. This innovative solution is highly effective at breaking down oils, stains, and heavy soils embedded within your carpets. By applying this pre-spray, we ensure that even the most stubborn dirt and grime are effectively targeted, leaving your carpets refreshed and free from unsightly blemishes.

Safety for Your Family and Pets

Our eco-friendly approach to cleaning is not only about removing dirt; it’s also about ensuring the safety of your family, including children and pets. The cleaning products we employ are chosen with the utmost care to be both effective in removing dirt and gentle on the environment. This means that you can enjoy a clean and fresh living space without compromising the well-being of your loved ones.

Promoting a Healthier Home

By selecting our environmentally friendly cleaning solutions, you’re not only investing in cleaner carpets but also contributing to a healthier home for all residents. Clean air, free from harmful chemicals, is crucial for overall well-being. Our commitment to eco-friendly cleaning promotes a safer and more sustainable living environment, where both your family and the planet benefit.

Competitive Pricing

Affordability is a significant concern for our customers, and we recognize its importance. We have structured our pricing to ensure that professional carpet cleaning remains accessible and budget-friendly for everyone.


Balancing Quality with Affordability

At the heart of our pricing philosophy is the belief that quality service shouldn’t come at an exorbitant cost. We have invested in state-of-the-art equipment and employ high-quality cleaning solutions to provide a top-notch service. However, this doesn’t mean that you should have to stretch your budget to access our services. We’re committed to offering competitive rates.


Friendly and Knowledgeable Staff

Our team is here to assist you every step of the way. If you have any questions or concerns, our friendly and knowledgeable staff is always ready to provide guidance and address your needs. We aim to make your experience with us hassle-free and straightforward. Your peace of mind and satisfaction are our top priorities.


Accessibility for All

We firmly believe that top-notch service should be within reach for everyone. By working diligently to offer competitive pricing, we ensure that professional carpet cleaning doesn’t become a financial burden. Our goal is to make sure that you can enjoy a cleaner and healthier living space without worrying about the cost. We’ve made quality and affordability integral to our service, making it accessible to all who seek it. 


Free Deodorizer & Spot Treatment Included.

No Hidden Fees.

Customer-Centric Approach

At Knights of Cleaning, our customer-centric approach is at the core of everything we do. We understand that each customer is unique and has specific needs and concerns when it comes to carpet cleaning. Our commitment to your satisfaction goes beyond just words. Here’s what you can expect when you choose our services:

Personalized Service

We take the time to understand your requirements and concerns. Whether you have specific stains, allergies, or preferences, we tailor our approach to address your individual needs.

Open Communication

We believe in transparent and open communication. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is always ready to answer your questions, provide guidance, and address any concerns you may have. We want you to feel confident and informed throughout the entire cleaning process.


Your convenience is important to us. We work with you to schedule cleaning appointments that fit your schedule. We respect your time and aim to make the entire process as convenient as possible.

Expert Carpet Cleaning in Vancouver

Local Expertise

Being based in Vancouver, we have a deep understanding of the local area and its unique challenges when it comes to carpet cleaning. Our local expertise is a valuable asset, and here’s how it benefits you:

vancouver carpet cleaners

Knowledge of Local Conditions

Vancouver’s climate, traffic, and specific carpet-related issues are well-known to us. This knowledge allows us to adapt our cleaning methods and recommendations to address the specific needs of our local customers.


Familiarity with Local Materials

We’re experienced with the types of materials and carpeting commonly found in Vancouver homes. This familiarity ensures that we provide appropriate care and maintenance for your specific carpeting.

Community Involvement

We’re not just a service provider; we’re a part of the local community. Our local expertise also extends to a commitment to support and contribute positively to the community we serve.

Tailored Cleaning Solutions

Understanding the unique preferences and expectations of Vancouver residents, we tailor our services to meet these specific needs. Whether it’s addressing common stains or implementing eco-friendly practices in line with local sustainability initiatives, our approach is finely tuned to benefit our local clients.

Our Comprehensive Cleaning Process

At Knights of Cleaning, we are dedicated to a thorough and effective carpet cleaning process designed to leave your carpets not just clean, but spotless and refreshed. We believe in delivering a superior carpet cleaning experience that ensures your satisfaction. Our process consists of the following steps:

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Primary Inspection

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Steam Cleaning

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Final Clean-Up

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Primary Inspection

We initiate our cleaning process with a meticulous inspection of your carpets. This initial assessment is vital as it enables us to understand the specific needs of your carpets. We look for stains, high-traffic areas, and any unique challenges that may require special attention. This phase helps us determine the most effective course of action tailored to your carpet’s condition. We also apply an enzyme pre-spray during this stage. 

This pre-spray is a crucial step that effectively breaks down oils, stains, and heavy soils, setting the stage for the thorough removal of dirt and stains that may have accumulated over time.

Steam Cleaning

The heart of our cleaning process lies in our powerful steam cleaners. Whether we utilize our truck-mounted or portable steam cleaners, the primary goal is to extract the soil from your carpets. The high-temperature steam we employ, typically reaching temperatures between 240 to 250 degrees, plays a pivotal role in loosening and dislodging deeply embedded dirt and grime.

Our steam cleaning process is designed to ensure the complete removal of impurities, leaving your carpets not only clean but also free from lingering residues. This step is crucial in rejuvenating the appearance and extending the life of your carpets.

Final Clean-Up
Once the battle against dirt and stains is won, our vancouver carpet cleaners will take the extra step to ensure your home is left in pristine condition. Our thorough clean-up includes addressing any residual mess or traces of the cleaning process, leaving your space as clean as we found it.

Mighty Hardwood & Laminate Cleaning

Hardwood and laminate floors may appear to be just like other flooring, however, the cleaning process required to maintain these types of surfaces requires special attention and expertise. Proper cleaning techniques and solutions can ensure that your hardwood and laminate floors always look their best and will hold up for years to come.


As a final touch, we apply a carpet protector. This protector is an added layer of defense that extends the cleanliness and freshness of your carpets. It helps prevent dirt and stains from accumulating as quickly, ultimately enhancing the longevity of your carpets. Our commitment to protecting your investment in clean carpets extends beyond the cleaning process itself.

This comprehensive cleaning process reflects our dedication to delivering a top-quality service that not only cleans your carpets but also ensures their lasting freshness and cleanliness. We strive to provide an experience that leaves your home looking and feeling its best.

Benefits of Regular Carpet Cleaning in Vancouver

Regular carpet cleaning in Vancouver offers numerous advantages that extend beyond just aesthetic appeal. In this coastal metropolis with its unique climate and lifestyle, clean carpets play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and comfortable living environment.

Premier Carpet Cleaning Services in Vancouver

</p> <h3>Improved Indoor Air Quality </h3> <p>

Vancouver’s climate can be damp, which can lead to an increased risk of mold and mildew growth. Regular carpet cleaning effectively prevents these issues, ensuring that your indoor air quality remains at its best. By removing dust, allergens, and pollutants from your carpets, you create a healthier living environment, particularly beneficial for those with allergies or respiratory conditions. Clean carpets contribute to cleaner air, reducing the risk of allergens circulating throughout your home.

</p> <h3>Prolongs Carpet Longevity</h3> <p>

Investing in regular carpet cleaning in Vancouver is not just about maintaining a clean appearance; it’s also about preserving your carpet’s lifespan. Vancouver’s unique climate and high foot traffic can take a toll on your carpets over time. Professional cleaning helps prevent the accumulation of dirt and grime, which can break down carpet fibers and lead to premature wear and tear. By extending your carpet’s life, you save on replacement costs in the long run.

</p> <h3>Enhanced Overall Hygiene</h3> <p>

A clean carpet is not only visually appealing but also contributes to the overall cleanliness and hygiene of your home. In a city like Vancouver, where the outdoors can be wet and muddy, your carpets can easily become soiled. Routine cleaning removes dirt and stains, creating a welcoming and sanitary living space. This is especially important in households with pets or young children who may spend a lot of time on the floor.

</p> <h3>Prevention of Mold and Mildew</h3> <p>

Vancouver’s moisture-rich environment can create conditions conducive to mold and mildew growth. Regular carpet cleaning helps mitigate this risk. When moisture and dirt are left to fester in your carpets, it can create the perfect breeding ground for these unwanted intruders. Routine cleaning eliminates these elements, reducing the chances of mold and mildew taking hold, which is not only healthier but also prevents potential structural damage to your home.

</p> <h3>A Worthwhile Investment</h3> <p>

In Vancouver, where weather conditions and lifestyle can be demanding on your carpets, regular cleaning is an investment in your home’s overall condition. Clean, well-maintained carpets create a more welcoming and comfortable atmosphere for your family and guests. Additionally, they can increase the resale value of your property. So, beyond the immediate benefits, regular carpet cleaning is an investment in your long-term property value.


You Need A Team You Can Trust

When it comes to carpet cleaning in Vancouver, you need a team you can trust, and at the Knights of Cleaning, we are your unwavering protectors in the battle against dirt and stains. Our dedication to ensuring your carpets remain pristine is rooted in our commitment to excellence. With experienced technicians, cutting-edge equipment, and environmentally friendly solutions, we deliver a service that not only cleans but also cares for your home and the environment.

carpet cleaning vancouver bc

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We are grateful for all our clients and we stand by our work that is why we guarantee 100% satisfaction and if there are any issues or concerns within 14 days of the service we will return to address the situation at no extra cost to you. We are not responsible for any pre-existing issues before the cleaning which will be addressed by our technicians at the beginning of the service.

Our Focus

Our focus on your satisfaction is the driving force behind everything we do. We recognize the unique challenges that Vancouver’s climate and lifestyle present for maintaining clean carpets. Therefore, we’ve tailored our services to address these specific needs. From improved indoor air quality to prolonged carpet longevity, we provide practical solutions for your home.

Call Us Today

At the Knights of Cleaning, our team of Vancouver carpet cleaners aims not just to meet but to exceed your expectations. We believe that a clean and hygienic living space is vital for your well-being and comfort. When you choose us, you choose a team that takes pride in delivering an exceptional service that contributes to the overall health and longevity of your carpets and home. Trust in the Knights of Cleaning, your dedicated partners in maintaining a clean and inviting living space. Give us a call today to get a free quote or to obtain more information about our services.

Call The Knights Today And Get A Free Quote!
