#1 Flutter App Development Company
for Cross-Platform Solutions

Why Businesses Prefer Flutter App Development Services for Cross-Platform Apps

Flutter has become the most popular cross-platform app development framework within two years of its inception. Today, nearly 42% of global developers use Flutter to build scalable cross-platform applications. Since a single code base can be used to deploy mobile solutions on different platforms (Android, iOS, and web), Flutter reduces the overall development period and allows businesses to accelerate their time-to-market.

As one of the top-rated mobile app development companies, we offer Flutter app development services to businesses that want to lead their respective industries by targeting customers on both Android and iOS. Our Flutter app developers have acquired Google’s developer certification for Dart (official programming language for Flutter) and know the best development practices to build cross-platform solutions that deliver a native user experience.

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Build Multi-Platform Apps With Our Flutter App Development Services

Being a reputed Flutter app development company, we have devised custom Flutter app development services that ensure high performance and advanced usability. Whether you want to build a cross-platform application for Android and iOS or want to launch it on the web as well, we’ll craft a personalized solution that’ll offer a seamless browsing experience to the end-users. We implement Flutter development methodologies to offer a wide variety of Flutter app development services including:


Flutter App Consulting

Don’t know if Flutter is the right framework for your business? Share your app idea with our Flutter app development company and we’ll run extensive market research to validate its scope and decide if Flutter can help you meet your business objectives or not.


Cross-Platform App Development

Launch a cross-platform mobile app to engage users on different platforms. Our developers analyze the specific business objectives and build custom cross-platform apps that have a visually appealing UI and advanced functionality.


Flutter API Integration

To build standalone cross-platform solutions, we also provide custom Flutter app development services for API development. Based on your app objectives, we can either develop an API from scratch or integrate an existing third-party API.


Flutter Support & Maintenance

Post-app deployment, we also offer continuous support and maintenance services to ensure that your app offers a consistent user experience to the customers. As per customer feedback, we integrate new features to make your cross-platform application customer-centric.

Our Flutter App Development Work Speaks for Itself

Time R&R

A cross-platform renting app that makes renting apartments, equipment, and services a hassle-free task for the end-users.

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Nrg Edge Energy

An Online Job Portal Designed to Help Energy Experts Find Relevant Jobs While Staying at the top of the Latest Trends in the Industry.

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A Full-Scale Job Marketplace to Help Employers Find Skilled Employees While Simultaneously Allowing Candidates Unlock Better Job Opportunities.

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Planning to hire an Flutter App Development company? Read these FAQs.

Have any queries regarding our Flutter app development services? Here we have addressed some of the most common questions that clients ask our Flutter app developers.

What is Flutter and Why It’s Getting More Popular?

Flutter is an open-source cross-platform app development framework developed by Google. It was launched in 2018 and within a short time span, Flutter has garnered immense popularity in the development community.

As opposed to traditional frameworks, Flutter app development services make cross-platform app development less challenging. Developers can deploy the same codebase to deploy apps across different platforms including web, Android, and iOS. As a result, the number of Flutter app development companies is rapidly increasing and developers are leaving their traditional frameworks behind for Flutter.

Yes, as a professional Flutter app development company, we also have the required expertise to build visually engaging web apps for different business niches. Whether you want a standalone web application or make your mobile app support web support as well, we’ll implement the right practices to meet your specific business goals.

Joining hands with a Flutter app development company is a cost-effective approach for businesses that want to deploy apps for multiple platforms. Instead of creating native apps for each platform, developers can use the same code to build all the apps.

This reduces the overall time to develop the app and thereby, you can get your app developed at comparatively low prices. To further cut down your expenditure, you can hire an outsourcing partner like RV Technologies.

We offer cost-effective Flutter app development services to help businesses tap into the mobile app market without having to worry about any financial restrictions. Share your app idea with our Flutter app development team and we’ll get back to you with an estimated development cost accordingly.

While Flutter works best for new mobile apps, we can also migrate your existing native apps to Flutter. In this situation, our Flutter app developers will write the entire code in Flutter from scratch and compile it to generate respective cross-platform solutions for your brand.

As a professional Flutter app development company, we can safely say that migrating to Flutter has endless benefits. It’ll help you streamline your business operations more conveniently and reduce the maintenance cost at the same time.

At RV Technologies, all our Flutter app development services are completely transparent. To involve clients through the development cycle, we share weekly/monthly progress reports via email. You can also stay in touch with our project managers and developers on Whatsapp, Google Hangouts, and other messaging platforms to get instant assistance for all your queries.

If you want to integrate new features into your app or make any changes, you can contact the development team and they’ll implement the best practices to customize your app accordingly.

Entrepreneurship Offer:

Flat 50% off

Across App Development Services

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